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My 3rd Vibras del Mundo Mix Now Out!

Vibras del Mundo III A mixtape by John Early - Psychedelic Mayan Art by El Tripador

I'm excited to finally release the 3rd set in my celebrated Vibras del Mundo series!

It's an hour journey with a mix of 30 tracks that have helped me connect into my body and appreciation for the sounds and languages from cultures around the globe. Music can - and will - transcend anything.

Stream it via Youtube by clicking the image above or click HERE.

*(Artwork by the fabulous El Tripador) I'm also finally on Spotify! Check out my original songs, a ton of curated playlists (like 'Momentom Mornings', 'Festival Puddles' and 'Indie Roadtrips') by checking out my Artist Profile HERE.

John Early - Photo by Misty Moss, Playa Maderas Momentom Collective Nicaragua

In personal news, I'm still in Nicaragua

...and It’s official, today marks the longest I’ve stayed in one country in 13 years: over 4 months straight! ️

Not that I have many options right now with the borders still closed and flights grounded in and out of Nicaragua. But Canada Day weekend just passed and nearly a year since I’ve seen my family so sending everyone back home SO much love as well as gratitude for being so fortunate to be from such a blessed country.

Even just the silly paper that says I’m from Canada has granted me welcomed access to more countries and opportunities than all my local friends here could ever dream of. It’s kind of ridiculous. So while I acknowledge the crazy blessings I’ve been born into, I’m also grateful for these past few months to invite some more grounding and stillness into my life. It feels really good...and a long time called for.

Samantha Lotus - Reality Hacking Podcast - John Early Guest on Community Art and Love

I was invited on Samantha Lotus's Reality Hacking Podcast last week to discuss:

-the inspirational accountability of creative communities

-the magic of the teacher/student singularity

-the difference between sympathy, empathy and compassion

-which we are most capable of overcoming our differences when we choose compassion!

Check it out by clicking the image above or HERE

In the meantime, I definitely feel like I've hacked reality...this last week I FINALLY caught my first barrel surfing out front of Casa Horizon here on Playa Escameca! I've been putting in the time to progress my surf game since I started a decade ago and felt surreal to peek into the peak of surfing by experiencing 'the Green Room'. (Stay tuned for further poetic and inspired words from the experience - and hopefully more to come!) So I guess, being 'stuck' in Nicaragua isn't so bad...?

Tu amigo, -John Early *photo below by pro in-water photographer Brent Woods,

not of the barrel I caught ...but definitely my surfing 'O Face'!

John Early surfing at Casa Horizon, Playa Escameca, Nicaragua photo by Brent Woods


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What do a monk, a stripper and LSD have in common?     My New Book.

© 2024 by JOHN EARLY.                                 // Live Your Life.       As if You are In on a Secret.      No one else Knows Exists.  \\

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