The Best Costume at Shambhala... The Wildest Party in Canada

What a wild week, just getting back from Shambhala Festival (just named the #1 electronic music festival in North America) where our Momentom team brought acro, meditation and yoga to balance out the forest shenanigans (more on that below).

Shambhala is like Canada's Burning Man...but JUST the party. With 6 main stages - which each could be their own stand alone festival - Shambs is a wild beast of the global DJ scene with over 20,000 people flooding onto a private farm amongst the mountains of beautiful British Colombia. So it was amazing for our 4 person Momentom team to bring some different elements to the festival besides just the party - although we got weird, silly and upside down just the same.

Here are a few pics from our acro yoga FUNdamentals workshop. At the peak we had almost 200 people, the biggest Momentom workshop to date! For the full album of photos from our workshops check it out HERE.

Yes, my face still hurts from smiling. What a perfect way to cap off another amazing summer in Canada before jetting off to continue leading fun workshops and conscious community in our Momentom Artist Residency in Indonesia!

Our opening ceremony is Sept 1st and goes until Oct 31st. We still have a few spaces left as well for our Residency in Guatemala and Circus Island, Nicaragua. Email me back if you're interested in joining our international fam or visit for more info. As well, last call for a signed copy of my book to be mailed out to you or gift for a friend ;)

Tu amigo,



PS Yes, my Rumpus music video costar Iryss, founder of Solar Opposites, was a treat to bump into at Shambs on stage for Lazy Syrup Orchestra....and of course she wins my vote for best costume at Shambhala getting right looped! Check out her hand made festival wear HERE
