Why I'm Creating Art & Community During a Pandemic

Circus Island Sound Healing - photo by Therese Lowton

How much are we choosing to allow fear to control our lives? ⠀

Keeping us from connecting, ⠀

Distracting us from life’s magic, ⠀

Preventing us from unblocking our own potential? ⠀

Fear and excitement are really the same energy, ⠀

Conditioned by perspective ⠀

With both needed to tap courage and collective inspiration. ⠀

We’ve chosen to still bring creative minds and open hearts together. ⠀

Yes, complete with health and safety measures, ⠀

But more importantly recognizing that fresh air, local fruits and vegetables,

connecting with nature and the gift of community and play

is our medicine. ⠀

We see art as a catalyst for change, ⠀

And when you have the courage to see art all around you. ⠀

The world truly does evolve with you. ⠀

- The Choice by John Early

Yes, many people have asked us why we are gathering people together in community during a global pandemic. Watch our latest video below on what we've been cocreating at our Circus Island Residency on Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua, paired with my words above to explain some of our reasonings on how we approach this gift of human experience and the medicine we need to stay inspired and connected in this collective reality.

[*Photos by Therese Lowton, video below by Tony Tobias]

We are excited to announce that we are extending our Momentom Collective #CircusIsland Artist Residency for a third and final month through mid April!⠀

Located at El Pital (aka The Chocolate Paradise) - home to the world's best cacao on Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua - we have facilitated a community-in-quarantine filled with creative minds focusing on the duality of self expression and introspection fused through the magic of performance and intentional ceremony.⠀

Who exactly gets called to our project and tribe?

Well, in the last month alone we've had a classically trained aerial violinist, a retired army medic, a reknowned oriental carpet muralist, a local mother of two, a hip hop choreographer, a plant shaman, and the lead engineer designing a satellite to measure greenhouse gases from space. That's just a taste of the diversity of humans we have collaborating and cross pollinating inspiration to cocreate this jungle community.

For more info and to join us or our Green Residency Permaculture Residency

visit www.momentomcollective.com

Social Circus at Momentom Artist Residency, El Pital Isla Ometepe Nicaragua - Photo by Therese Lowton
Our ever evolving weekly schedule at Circus Island
Circus Island Full Moon Gathering and Cacao Ceremony at El Pital Isla Ometepe Nicaragua

"There is no power for change

greater than a community

discovering what it cares about."
-Margaret Wheatley

Sending love and inspiration to everyone to create beauty in all we do.
Let's live with intention as if each day is a ceremony.

Big love from Isla Ometepe
Tu amigo,

PS Follow the journey on my Insta and stories HERE
