Book Release: 'Tales Of The Modern Nomad'!

Well friends, it's been years in the making - and it still came down to the wire to meet the printing deadline - but I've just sent out my 304 page book to the printers. I couldn't be happier with the cover, content and overall design.

Tales Of The Modern Nomad - Monks, Mushrooms & Other Misadventures is a book and passion project 10 years in the making. Although I never intended to write this book—or find random jobs that would keep me traveling around the world for a decade—I couldn’t be more excited that it has manifested and is about to be published! Who knew jotting down random thoughts and experiences in 15 journals would turn into a vibrant 300 page book with over 200 photos and 50 travel stories (from 30+ countries) with eclectic insight into our global cultures.


Check out the book trailer video:

Writing, designing and self-publishing a book has been one of the biggest challenges and life changing processes I’ve ever gone through. It altered my perception of how to analyze life’s daily experiences in a way I could formulate and share it for the benefit and enjoyment of others—including the stuff no one likes to discuss openly in public (getting robbed, being hit on by a monk, and cultural experimentation with psychedelics come to mind). My goal is to get this book out to as many people and fellow travelers as possible to share these moments and misadventures.

I just got the manuscript proof from Friesens Printing in Winnipeg and to hold my passion project physically in my hands was surreal to say the least. Take a look at how it looks as a printed book:

I currently have a Book Printing Campaign, where you can preorder your copy to help raise part of the money for the initial print run (that will cost almost $20,000!). If you are interested in preordering Modern Nomad, click HERE or the link below. You only will save money off the retail price and have the option for some fun other incentives, you will be among the first to get your hands on this wild ride of a book!

Tales of the Modern Nomad's official book launch is November 30th at Capitol Music Club!


Thank you again for joining me in this crazy journey!


-John Early
